Tuesday, March 8, 2011

RuPaul's Drag Race Season 3 - Episode 8 Review (Ru Ha Ha)

If you haven't seen last night's episode, here's the link

This season so far has been somewhat predictable in my opinion and the episodes have been ok. But tonight's episode was the best yet. Let's get started

So there are 7 queens left. Alexis Mateo, Manila Luzon, Shangela, Raja, Delta Work, Carmen Carerra and Yara Sofia. The episode starts with Delta realizing she's the only big girl left in the competition. She further states that Stacy should have never been in the competition in the first place because she didn't meet the criteria (cocky are we??).Also, we see Manila and Shangela talking about last week's incident when Manila called Shangela "a loudmouth". Why doesn't Shangela and Manila get along is the question? Manila is Sahara Davenport's (Season 2) boyfriend and we know that Shangela and Sahara were great friends in college. Maybe there's a back-story we don't know about....we'll see.

So the mini-challenge was a "library" session with the girl reading each other.

Now, I was looking forward to see if anyone can live up to Jujubee's read from last season. However, none of the girls were even close to Juju's read. The two people who were good were Delta and Shangela (ironically these are the two shadiest girls still in the competition). The winner was Shangela (not shocking at all) and she had the chance to pick the order for the main challenge.

The main challenge was for each girl to deliver a stand-up comedy routine in front of a live audience. Immediately going in, everyone was worried that Shangela would outshine everyone because she has some experience with stand up. Before the episode started, I thought Shangela and Manila would be the funniest and Carmen and Delta would fail miserably. Well, I was half-right on both sides. Let's "read" each girl

First up, Raja: BEST OUTFIT OF THE NIGHT. Raja dressed up as the horror movie Carrie where they pour a bucket of blood on her. Now I was think just like the Carrie movie "THEY'RE ALL GONNA LAUGH AT YOU", however she really didn't impress me with her comedy routine but she wasn't the worst. I think her outfit saved her tonight. I have 2 questions for Raja. How the hell she made the bucket hat and why didn't she just perform her "Through The Fire" comedy routine. If you don't know what that is, google it.

Second was Carmen: Before the stand-up, she had trouble coming up with her routine in front of guest-judge Rita Rudner. I said in my head "Goodbye Carmen". But she delivered tonight. Definitely my top 3 of the night. My only critique was that I wish she acted like a Jersey girl.

Up next was Alexis: Boobs, Boobs and BOOOOBS (even though they were fake "Silicon floats"). I like Alexis but she wasn't good at all. I was bored and worried she will be in the bottom.

Shangela was up and she was GREAT. Enough said. It was Shangela's episode and she needed it because as we all know. She's not the best person to win a sewing contest.

After Shangela was Manila Luzon: I loved her Sesame Street Big Bird dress and I liked the Count joke but overall it was....ok. Nothing special but not the worst.

The next person who I'm about to say was hands down the best girl of the night, Yara Sofia. She made a routine of herself as a little person.. Her accent was funny and the jokes (some I didn't understand) were laugh out loud. I expected her to win

Last but not least was Delta Work. The worst of the night. First, she was wearing one of those shirts you get from a beach shop at Mrytle Beach and her jokes were a snorefest.

Now, the judges praised Carmen and Yara and proclaimed Shangela the winner of the challenge. I wished it was Yara, but I can't complain. Raja and Alexis were safe as well. This leads us to the bottom two, Delta Work (for the 3rd time) and Manila Luzon (kinda shocking).

The Lip-Sync For Your Life Song is....MacArthur Park by Donna Summer. I was named after this song!!!!....not really, but I loooooooooove this song. I actually found it ironic they didn't used it last week with the cake challenge since in the song it has lines like:

"All the sweet green icing flowing down, someone left the cake out in the rain"

....but I'm glad they used it tonight because Manila Luzon just showed me that she is one of the best lip-sync drag queens to ever appear on Drag Race. Definitely one of the best (along with last season's Sahara vs. Morgan and Season 1's Ongina vs. BeBe). Manila Luzon stayed while Delta "sashayed" away.

It was definitely Delta's time to go. One of the most insecure girls I've seen on Drag Race. Always trying to get Raja's approval, ragging on Stacy and calling anyone other than Manila, Raja and Carmen "boogers". She was constantly complaining about other people not being competition while she was in the bottom 3 times. I actually now feel that there will be less "Heather" talk now that she is gone. I still think Raja is going to win the whole season but with Manila's lip-sync, she might take it as well. We'll see next week, when the queens have to make a patriotic video. See ya next week

xo Clenny Kravitz

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